School History

The VEASNABOT PRIMARY SCHOOL was founded in 2011 under the initiative of Mr.HORM DIN and Mr. SAN NARIN who has served as an education administrator and curriculum developer in the government institution of cambodia.

The VEASNABOT PRIMARY SCHOOL offers English Training programs from Pre-Kindergarten to intermediate level. Khmer Academic Program from grade 1 to grade 6 within the standard of Ministry of Education Youth and Sports in Cambodia.  The school has always great attention to maintain good relationship between the school and the parents or guardians and the public relation.

By at the end of semester, the study records are always sent to the parent or guardians to inform them about their learning progress. They will know about attendance, and possible change of their behavior. The school invited the parent is always held twice a year. Moreover, the school always contributes annual to construct infrastructure in its village.
The education goal of The VEASNABOT PRIMARY SCHOOL is to offer all the pupils and students in both English and Khmer programs offer to good knowledge, skills and ability; above all, they will have proper attitude, and they will become good children, good students, good citizens for the our country. They will help make positive development for the nation.